Species specific assays for species appropriate markers

Veterinary Biomarkers, Inc. is the brainchild of the directors of Life Diagostics, Inc. Throughout the years, clinical diagnosticians have contacted Life Diagnostics, Inc. with inquiries about the viability of using kits for veterinary uses.

With this apparent lack of quantitative diagnostic tools, the founders of LDI employed their knowledge of the latest research in SPARCL™ technology to design a series of novel assays. This line of assays combines the elegance of traditional immuoassasys with a simplicity inherent to single tube analysis. These products were designed to streamline testing, save time, and provide species specific analysis. 

It is our goal to provide veterinarians with the tools to effectively monitor and treat their patients. Veterinary Biomarkers has strong relationships with research organizations around the world. Together we have launched many new targeted assays and look to be instrumental in standardizing veterinary diagnostic testing worldwide. One way we do this is by creating species specific assays for species appropriate markers. Building off decades of experience, we strive to stay on the cutting edge of advancements in the field of veterinary diagnostics.

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